Sunday, October 5, 2008

These Dark Streets

when your eyes search the room
do they find me?l
ost in the gloom
you're all I see
doom and destruction
rule this city
but I'll survive this revolution
if you come with me

gothic days
demons in the night
I won't die here
I'll live and I'll fight

you're running for your life
and I can't catch you
you're tearing yourself apart inside
and I can't save you
it's dark in the city
you can't run away
the light's not so pretty
as you watch the demons play

so you escape with me
from this city called Eden
the golden ones pray
as they stay here bleeding
we cannot save them
or we won't survive
we can't go back
dead or alive

gothic days
bloodshot nights
the fighting must stop
whe'er I live or I die

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