Monday, March 30, 2009


i. Ben
a. We should just be friends
1. Flirting with Carmen/other girls
- It bothers ME: I can’t take all of the random grabbing people from behind and the winking and the random flirting. I have a tolerance level, but it does not extend that high.
- It bothers CARMEN: Do you know how weird it looks when you stand beside your girlfriend’s best friend instead of by your girlfriend? Really weird.
2. Hygiene issues
- The cologne thing: okay, it’s not THAT big of a deal, but really. Is it that difficult? I don’t think so.
- Teeth: um, gross. ‘nuff said.
- Acne: Have you seen Drew? His pizza-face-ness is NOT pretty. And no, I don’t care whether it will ever get that bad. All I know is that right now it’s gross, at best. So DO something about it! It’s really not that difficult!
- Sleep: I’m kinda tired of calling you in the morning to make sure you’re up. I don’t do it THAT often, but it’s obnoxious that I have to do it at all! And I KNOW you are very stressed and thus stay up super late but really. I manage to get up at six every morning – why can’t you?
3. emotional dependency
- work load: I know you’re super duper stressed with all your work, but it’s getting unhealthy. You need to know when to stop, and you DON’T.
- I can’t keep being used as an emotional crutch. Maybe sometimes, I suppose, but that’s a best friend job; not a girlfriend. At least, not completely.
4. Random other stuff that bothers me
- The random noises you make? They aren’t cute. They’re weird.
- No matter how much we try, the junior-freshman thing is not going to work. I need to hang out/date kids my age. It’s just a fact.
5. Contribution from Niobe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think that pretty much covers all the basic areas. at least, that's all that i've heard concerning him. oh, wait. the random anger management/bitchyness/abusiveness. that, too.